If one feels out of breath, has pain in the chest area or feels excessive uneasiness, or the level of consciousness drops or feels paralysed or any other major problem – one needs to contact the hospital urgently and may need to be readmitted.
Knee related :
If there is excessive bleeding or oozing from the wound or the leg appears misshapen, or you are not able to walk the way you had started walking after the operation, then also one may need to seek medical help.
Kindly note the numbers for urgent medical attention-
Recovery from 2 weeks to 3 months
You would have had a visit at around 2 weeks time from the operation to see us. Hence, any further questions and doubts could be tackled at that time also.
In general , the level of exercises can increase as tolerated , one may start going out of the house for small errands or for work. One should also start ones’ routine now and not wait for “ full recovery “ and postponing things. Here , the underlying principle is to try normal activities gently , slowly , repeatedly as tolerated until happy. Obviously , if there is undue discomfort or pain , you need to stop.
Most people by this time would be at 60 to 80 % of their recovery.
There will be occasional episodes of pain and swelling but they would reduce. If there were ecchymoses around the knee , they would be settling . You may still wear stockings for excessive swelling . You will also feel some areas of numbness around the knee and burning etc from the knee . This is normal and would reduce over 6 to 12 months . If burning is very intense , we can prescribe medicines for it.
Please be very sure that the knee is fully straightening and do not keep a pillow underneath the knee . If it is not happening , you may need special exercises to achieve that.
Most people would also be back at work by this time . Some discomfort around the knee , heaviness , a feeling of something artificial is very common and most patients would be complaining of this . Some patients also find that their appetite and sleep are still disturbed but is getting better. Almost all patients would be walking for 20 to 30 minutes by this time relatively easily. ( subject to physical ability and the state of the other joints ) Stair climbing, if not done earlier, is also started and practiced.