Joint pain and Arthritis
Joint pain and arthritis can lead to various difficulties, which can be caused by factors like growing age, unhealthy diet, and sedentary lifestyle.
The issue is quite common after 50 years of age.
Here are some of the main issues associated with joint problems:
1. Pain: Joint pain, often experienced during movement or after exertion, can be a result of aging and lifestyle factors.
2. Inflammation: Joint inflammation can be caused by aging, high blood pressure, or other serious health conditions.
3. Morning stiffness: Decreased joint mobility, which is common in rheumatoid arthritis can lead to morning stiffness.
4. Warmth: Feeling warm in the joints may be due to aging, excessive physical work, infection, inflammation, injury etc.
5. Redness: Joint redness can be a result of joint inflammation, increased blood circulation, or other joint issues.
To address these problems, it’s important to engage in regular physical activity, maintain a healthy diet, and seek expert advice and treatment. For more information and better treatment options, you can reach out to Dr. Pratik Dhabalia in Raipur.